Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Sawarna beach

Sawarna coast where tourism is a new beach on the south side of Banten Province . And since the early 2000's started a lot of visitors who visit the beach Sawarna . Name Sawarna popular beach through the virtual world and include new attractions that are popular in this century . Other attractions as potential new tourist spot is Indrayanti Beach in Yogyakarta and the site of Mount Padang in Cianjur, West Java . This area was once a coastal forest known as the Demon Village . Former region stealth village is now risen to more attractive tourist destination than Pelabuhan Ratu in Sukabumi . This beach is located in a shoreline with Pelabuhan Ratu . This area can be considered as a new pearl in south Banten . This beach is unique . Sawarna beach gate with Sawarna village separated by a shallow stream wide enough . Anyone who wants to go to the village must pass through the wooden suspension bridge . Of course in a unique and challenging experience imenjadi like being followed outbound . Location and Access The beach is located in the Village Sawarna Sawarna , Bayah subdistrict , Lebak , Banten . Located 150 km from Rangkasbitung , Lebak Capital . Coastal charm lengkapdengan Sawarna very spectacular and challenging waves for surfing sports lovers . One of the favorite locations are Ciantir surfers around the world . The government has not seen a serious potential Sawarna Beaches . This is evident from the lack of directions on the green road signs DLLAJ output . In addition , the road to the beach is also still not adequate . But do not worry , coastal tourism and photography lovers have a lot to review the beauty and beach sundries Sawarna . Including the existence of this site is to present information on potential Sawarna coast . Sawarna beach can be reached from two directions , namely from Jakarta to the West via Pandeglang or from the south via Jakarta to Pelabuhan Ratu in Sukabumi and along the southern coast . Jakarta- Tangerang - Tigaraksa - Lebak - Malingping - Bayah could take 6.5-7 hours . Medium priced via Jakarta - Sukabumi Pelabuhan Ratu only need 4.5 hours. In general , for the moment pass Sukabumi more comfortable with a better way of Lebak plus many natural charm during the trip . If a local government when making access to the beach Banten Sawarna with 4 lane road like Tigaraksa , it will be faster through Tigaraksa - Lebak . The beauty of the beach Sawarna According to local residents , at least for the moment only had hundreds of visitors every day . And visited a few hours it still feels lacking to explore all the natural charm of beaches sektiar Sawarna . Indeed, there is no manager who set up various facilities and information , but many local residents who took the initiative to make a homestay with a tariff of Rp 120,000 , - per person per day is included. Homestay relatively similar conditions . It's just that there are owners who intentionally equip facilities with air conditioning ( AC ) and satellite TV . One is the hula - hula Homestay , you can call mom Mila in mobile number 081 646 992 036 . If there is time , a time to stay 2-3 days in Sawarna Beach . Around the coast there are a lot of natural beauty and pristine alias has not developed into a tourist spot . Exotic places it among the Cape Screen , Bokor Island ( Cipamadangan ) , Manuk Island , and Cave Laylay . Laylay bat cave was inhabited thousands kingdom of wild bats . And maybe it could be Batman in the Cave Laylay . With the natural beauty of the beach Sawarna , many photography lovers to explore . Many of the foreign tourists who have visited , one of Denmark . Hopefully with many reports in the virtual world ( Internet ) , local government aware to advance this area became a favorite tourist spot with adequate road access .

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